With the air quality, the great outdoors, and the dryness here in Utah, it’s almost impossible to dodge seasonal allergies. I never had allergies until I moved here, and now I understand the irritation and miserableness associated with allergies. If you’re like me and hate taking any kind of medicine or over the counter drug, here are 3 natural ways to help beat Spring allergies in Utah.
Block The Breeze
Its natural to want to air out your home during spring. After keeping all doors and windows shut all winter, having a nice natural breeze running through the house is always nice. It’s good to air out your house and allow the new Spring smells to fill your home. The problem is that with a breeze comes pollen, pollution, and microparticles that can cause major allergies! If you want the feel of a nice Spring breeze through your home without the allergies, use your AC system. you can purchase a HEPA filter for your air conditioning to help keep the air hypoallergenic.
Wash Up
After a long day out in this Utah atmosphere, you’re bound to bring home all kind of allergens. They stick to your clothes, shoes, hair and skin. The last thing you want to do is bring that into your home. When you get home, leave your shoes at the door, wash your clothes right away and take a shower. Eliminate any possible allergen pollution in your home.
Get Steamy
If you don’t want to pump yourself full of allergy meds, try using steam to ease allergy symptoms. take a hot shower and breathe deep. Or boil some water, put it in a bowl, and place your face over it. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in. That will help ease the itchiness and dryness in your sinuses.