Hope Squad is a Utah-based organization founded by Dr. Gregory A. Hudnall, a former principal, student service supervisor, and associate superintendent in the Provo City School District. Dr. Hudnall’s experience in suicide prevention and mental health awareness has been sought after by schools and government officials across the country.
Hope Squad is currently in 285 schools and has 7,000 student members who form clubs to promote suicide prevention and mental health awareness within their schools. Last year alone, over 1,700 kids were referred for help via Hope Squad and over 300 were hospitalized.
I recently learned that suicide is the number one cause of death in Utah for kids ages 10 to 17 — that statistic made my jaw drop. It’s completely devastating and unacceptable, which is why I’m so thankful that organizations like Hope Squad exist. I’m excited to partner with them and continue to meet some of the amazing student and faculty members who are working to provide help for those struggling with mental illness.
Watch my recap of Hope Squad’s student conferences and Orem High’s ‘Hope Week’ karaoke activity here:
You can support Hope Squad by taking the #HopeSquadWhippedCreamChallenge. For more information, go to www.hopesquad.com , or click here to follow Hope Squad’s Instagram page.
Delaney All Day
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Twitter: @delaneyalldaay