It seemed just like a week ago…
The deal is that for $9.99 a month you can go to one movie a day at the movie theater excluding 3D movies. The first question people ask is, “does it work at any theater?” In Salt Lake, the answer is, “yes, it does.” Cinemark, Megaplex, Brewvies, Salt Lake Film Society, and all the theaters you frequent, all accept MoviePass.
After you sign up, you download their app to your phone, check showtimes around you, get within a football field of the theatre, check in, then go to the box office or automated ticket robot and swipe your card. Voila! Grab your tickets and enjoy the show.
The app could use some work. Some artwork is missing, you can’t look at showtimes for any day but today, there are no film synopsis, no trailers, and there are no reviews or Rotten Tomatoes scores to guide you through the unknown. There is room for improvement for sure, but you aren’t paying for MoviePass for the app. You’ll still end up on Flixter for most of the things the MoviePass app lacks. First world problems, right?
MoviePass even keeps track of the films you’ve seen.
MoviePass has no commitment and you can cancel anytime.
This is a great time of the year to sign up for MoviePass because all the Oscar contenders are being released. Even if you only see 2 movies a month, you’d be coming out on top. Matinees can cost $7 to $9 and you won’t have to wait around for $5 Tuesdays to see the films you want to see. For our $10 we’ve have already seen $72 worth of films this month alone – even seen some really great films we’d never would have spent money on like “Lucky” and “Marshall.” “Marshall” was really good.
We highly recommend MoviePass, though we wish they had a plan where you could catch 2 movies a day. For movie junkies like us, we can’t always wait a day to see the new films out there. We’ll also find out if we can live off of popcorn, Diet Coke, and Milk Duds.