We’ve all been there, you’ve made plans you have no intention on keeping, and then you’re forced to cancel. Its such an uncomfortable and guilty feeling when you have to come up with a lie to avoid plans.
“My best friend’s next door neighbors grandmas dog died, I cant make it”.
I mean, it sounded good at the time, but you’re entitled to change your mind, right? Well, here are 3 ways to help avoid getting into these situations in the first place.
Create a “Flakey” Reputation
Of course, nobody wants to be labeled a “flake”, but this will definitely help you avoid being invited in the first place. If you lag on texting back to invitations, people will eventually get the hint and stop inviting you all together. Or, they wont put so much faith into the idea that you’ll actually show up.
Never Make Plans Too Far Ahead Of Time
Short term plans are alot easier to cancel than long term ones, and people wont be as mad. Plus, making short term plans will really help you filter whether or not you really want to go.
Never Give A Solid “Yes”
If you don’t agree to show up, they cant be mad you didn’t. Nobody can expect you to keep plans you didn’t officially make. “Ill see” or “Let me check my schedule” are a perfect way to avoid agreeing to plans.