Now that summer is on its way out and the lackluster blockbusters are behind us (for the most part), we can look forward to the fall movie season. These are often films saved for those who will be judging them during awards season. Who could possibly remember a film from February, right? Most of us can’t recall what happened last Sunday. The good news is the remaining months of the year offer some excitement for those of us who would rather go to a multiplex, get a large popcorn and get lost without the distraction of chores, barking dogs and hopefully, cell phones (those who use them in a theatre really are the worst).
Here are 10 films we can’t wait to hand our money over to see…in no particular order.
Daniel Craig is returning, possibly for the last time, as the most memorable Bond since Sean Connery, arguably. This time Bond returns to face an actor who has the ability to play the ultimate villain, Christoph Waltz. Add the gorgeous Monica Bellucci and this should be a Bond to remember. Opens November 6th.
Based on one of the most controversial books on the subject, John Krakauer’s “Into Thin Air”, we follow a group of people attempting to summit one of the most deadly places on Earth, Mount Everest. This is true man vs. nature (remember that from high school English class) with a strong cast including Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin and the mountain. Opens September 25th.
Black Mass
One of the most notorious actors playing the most notorious criminal. It will be nice to see Johnny Depp step back into the role of a person rather that an over-the-top character. Many people we know love his performance in “Blow”, “Finding Neverland” and “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.” “Black Mass” will be one to get a sitter for. In real life, Whitey Bulger was charged with 19 counts of murder and a rap sheet that doesn’t lend itself to family viewing. It should be an intense film, though and we get Benedict Cumberbatch as well. Opens September 19th.
A likely contender for best picture. There is also some controversy surrounding it. “Stonewall” takes places during 1969 and the Stonewall Riots, which could be seen as the catalyst for the gay rights movement in the United States. With the Supreme Court making gay marriage the law of the land, this could be an important film to remind us of a past that wasn’t so far away and how far we have come and have to go. Opens September 25th.
The Martian
Matt Damon makes his home on Mars, well, he gets left there so he has little choice in the matter. Stranded, Damon waits for rescue, but will physics and bureaucracy makes his rescue impossible? The best part? It’s directed by Ridley Scott and he does well with space…remember “Alien” and “Prometheus”? Yeah, we are about to rewatch them as well. “The Martian” opens on October 2nd.
Steve Jobs
At first, we didn’t really think anyone needed to rehash this. There have been about four films, another documentary in the works and that great biography. We can’t think of a recent film about George Washington, yet you could put together a Steve Jobs film festival. What more can we know? He was a really grumpy, pushy guy who made it work for him and changed technology in a pretty fundamental way. We should all be so lucky. Well, the talent attached is impressive and should alleviate any hesitation. Danny Boyle, who directed “Slumdog Millionaire” and “28 Days Later” is at them helm with Michael Fassbender playing Jobs. Opens October 9th.
Bridge of Spies
It’s Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks…wait, “The Terminal” wasn’t so hot, though an interesting idea. This is a Cold War spy movie. Tom Hanks plays a lawyer trying to negotiate the release of a captured U.S. pilot while the Soviets are asking for one of their captured spy back. It sounds like a pretty good trade, but as we all know, these international spats aren’t so straightforward. It does seem like a good time to be reminded the what happens when governments reach irrational and paranoid heights, especially with some saying we could be repeating the Cold War. Opens October 16th.
Rock the Kasbah
Bill Murray. Do we need to say anything else? We’d watch this guy eat Frosted Mini Wheats. We’d watch Bill Murray order Ham Fried Rice. In this case, Bill travels to far off lands to help a woman win a singing competition…in Afghanistan. Bruce Willis, Kate Hudson and more also star. Opens October 23rd.
Carey Mulligan stands up for women’s right to vote…in Great Brittan. With an election where equal pay for women is heating up on our side of the world, this could be a rally cry of sorts. If it’s good. The casting says it could be another strong contender for best picture with Meryl Streep, and Helena Bonham Carter also starring. Opens October 23rd.
Victor Frankenstein
Yes, they will keep trying with Frankenstein’s Monster until it achieves the success of zombies and vampires. Not sure if this will be the one to get it done, but Radcliffe and McAvoy seem like a pretty compelling reason to sit through this story of an obsessed scientist and an Igor without the hunch, at least not that we could make out in this trailer. Opens November 25th.
The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay, Part 2
Yeah, we said 10, but we know we’d get negative comments if we didn’t include this one. If you’ve seen the others, you’ll go to this. Opens November 20th.