It seems like every other day someone is being filmed going off on a racist tangent. This is nothing new in 2018. But what has people so upset is that the racists are using 911 as a weapon.
People over the last year have been filmed calling 911 on blacks for just about everything, literally while they’re just living their life. Simply having a BBQ in the park, selling Lemonade in front of their apartment building, loading a new TV into their home (he was accused of burglary), coaching their son’s soccer game from the sidelines (YES! this happened!) even being accused of trespassing at their own apartment complex. And most recently, kidnapping… A white woman called the cops on a black male for kidnapping 2 white kids, when he was their BABYSITTER who runs a program for kids in his city.
911 calls have been getting out of hand lately, and the black community is fed up. So to help, Niecy Nash has done a new satirical infomercial to save white people from “all the headaches of being filmed and outed as a racist douche.”
She’s teamed up with the New York Times editorial section and created a working phone line, 1-844-WYT-FEAR.
According to the Times, there have been 40 reported instances this year of someone white calling the police on black people who were doing something normal.
While the infomercial may be satire, when you call the number a recording actually comes on that reminds people about the plight of African-Americans in the American justice system.
What do you think of the infomercial? Do you think it’s something that should’ve been made a long time ago? Or, did they take it too far?