2018 has been a break out year for SZA. From the release of her (now certified) Gold album CTRL, to being the female artist with the most 2018 Grammy nominations. SZA is on her way to the top by simply being herself. Her music tells stories of self doubt, insecurities, love, and life. Shes a free spirit with an original sound and relateable story.
Her single “Supermodel” tells a story about a past love that left her feeling broken and insecure. In a recent interview, SZA talks recieving advice about the record from two of music biggest names. Check out the video below.
Having professional guidance from TDE label mate Kendrick Lamar and legendary producer Pharrell Williams is an opportunity anyone would KILL for, but SZA reminds us that no matter what, you should always trust yourself first!
Nikki Rae
IG: @iamnikkirae
Twitter: @iamnikkiraexo