
Teen Faces 10 Years in Prison for Graphic Rap Song Uploaded to SoundCloud

A Bad Rap…

A high school student from New Jersey is currently facing up to 10 years in prison for a graphic song and photo he uploaded to SoundCloud according to BuzzFeed News.

The song titled, “u lil sluts @ jchs i love u all even tho yall hurt me and i forgive u. i would never hurt u,” was recorded just ten days after the Feb. 14 Parkland shooting which caused fellow students, teachers, and law enforcement to worry that 18-year-old Michael Schmitt might’ve been planning a mass shooting.

A student saw Schmitt’s tweet and then noticed that his profile photo on SoundCloud showed him pointing a handgun at the camera. The alarmed student thought Schmitt’s track sounded violent and told her mom, who then alerted a teacher, according to police reports. This fear provoked SWAT teams to descend upon his school after the song was shared on his Twitter and Snapchat.

According to police records, when cops arrived at James Caldwell High School on February 24, music teacher Scott Chamberlain and a parent showed them a Snapchat video Schmitt had posted. It was a sample of his new track that he had captioned, “I’ll give ya a little extra to hate me for today.” They also showed officers Schmitt’s 10 a.m. tweet that read, “hi sluts get yr face fucked” and shared a link to the rap.

After the lockdown, Schmitt was arrested and charged for creating a “false public alarm.” In New Jersey, that charge can carry a five to ten-year prison sentence. Schmitt is currently on house arrest, waiting for his potential trial.

For more on the story visit BuzzFeed News



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