Bangarang from the 9’Oclock Block Party with more new music!
This week, I’ve got “Something New” for y’all to check out. See what I did there? The track I’m covering this week is called Something New. The artist, Zendaya first burst on to the scene in 2013 with her single, Replay.
Like every song I feature, I think it has a huge potential to blow up. But heres just something about this track that’s so dope that I can’t explain. There are two things that I really like about this song. The first is Chris Brown. I love the feature because he and Zendaya sound amazing together. Sometimes songs will feature a different artist, and it doesn’t sound good at all. But this track has IT. Second, I love that this track is sampled. If you’re a music head like I am, then you’ll geek when you hear it. This track sample’s TLC’s Creep and its dope.
Take a listen and tell me what you think!!