I first met Daney Lin at Cottonwood High School in our (I believe) Sophomore year and there was a joy and light around him that I don’t think even he knew about. Being a high school athlete during that time and following a passion of art didn’t come easy for Daney. He was laughed at and I’m sure that came with some discouragement, but Daney didn’t quit. In fact, Daney went to Southern Utah University to pursue higher education in art while being a college athlete in track & field.
When I reconnected with Daney via social media I seen his art skills improved dramatically. HE GOT SO GOOD! I know art is subjective but I know the pieces below to anyone would evoke some type of emotion and make them feel. After having Daney on my show, and him saying that’s what he wants, to make people feel. I know that he’s on the path in life that he should be and I’m so proud of him. Check out our full conversation below.
Artist: Daney Lin
Murray, Utah U.S.A
Q&A w/ Daney Lin
(Q) Being a teacher, what does it mean to be an example?
(A) I think it is important to be a positive example for the kids. Children are our future. They are the mirrors of our society. Everything we do, show or say, they are going to imitate. All they know is what we do. One day, they will be in the exact same spot as us. Showing positivity, love and kindness will echo through. I have to be accountable of my actions and act the way I would want them to act in their lives. I make mistakes, so does every human. It does a great deal to show and correct/learn from our mistakes. It shows growth. It’s positive. (Q) If you can travel abroad where would you go and why? (A) Easily, Taipei, Taiwan. I have never been there but I love the culture. Every time I watch a (Taiwanese) show or listen to their music. I feel like I am at home or I have been there before. Going through would be a dream come true for me. (Q) With Asian culture heavily influencing you, who are some Asian role models you’ve had? (A) Growing up, I watched a lot of Bruce Lee and Jet Li movies. The philosophy they have on life and how to view things differently, definitely played a roll. Jay Chou is another one. In my actual life, my wife (Erica) and my really good friend (Ron). They both have shown me life style and culture through their experiences and traditions. They keep that part of my life alive. (Q) What can we do to improve art opportunities within our community? (A) Exposure is the first thing that comes to mind. Keep art in our schools, elementary on up. Have it consistent with all the other core classes. Rather it’s painting, music, dance, or poetry. It shows creativity and problem solving, also drive and patience. I have learned all of these things while painting and drawing. Art is so subjective, It’s a great outlet in more ways than one. You feel free without being judged or criticized. It’s your imagination, your vision. Share it and you’ll be surprised who sees exactly what you see.Follow Daney Lin