Joey Bada$$ Says Men Should Not Masturbate: “That’s Weird” Joey Badass appeared on Angela Yee’s “Lip Service” podcast where he revealed his relationship preference and his thoughts on ejaculation for men. Joey told the women of the podcast he would rather preserve his “lifeforce” rather than ‘waste his time.” He’s also down for having two girlfriends, but he’d like them to get along. “I’d rather preserve my life force, you know. I mean like, when a man ejaculates like, there’s a lot of things that leave your body. There’s blood cells, testosterone, energy, you know. You get depleted. They say it’s like the equivalent of running 20 miles when you [ejaculate],” said Joey. “As a man, you should be in control, you should have self-control over yourself,” said Joey. “It’s like, If you at home masturbating, ni__a, what are you doing? Like, you’re wasting your time.” What do you think about Joey Badass’ comments? Do you agree?