With a 5.7 to 5.9 (in St. George) earthquake taking place at a little past 7 am today, there is a lot of information out there and not all of it is accurate, so we wanted to post some Twitter feeds that you may want to follow to stay up with current and accurate information.
Please be safe and check on your friends, family, and neighbors.
We’re here to stop rumors:
People have been saying that officials are predicting an earthquake in the next 30 minutes.
Earthquakes cannot be predicted, we are 95% certain that this was the main shock. https://t.co/aWt1WguN2l
— Utah Emergency Mgmt (@UtahEmergency) March 18, 2020
At this time, stay away from the outside of buildings where weakened facades may fall during an aftershock. Take this time to check your home or building for cracks in the foundation or leaks in water or gas lines. IF gas leak, GET OUT and shut off the gas from outside. Call 911. https://t.co/RkDBjdbiFS pic.twitter.com/ugC3xRhOEG
— Be Ready Utah (@BeReadyUtah) March 18, 2020
The airport is not currently operational. The FAA tower, terminals and concourses have been evacuated. The road to the airport has been opened, so that passengers can be picked-up.
— SaltLakeCityAirport (@slcairport) March 18, 2020
A temporary COVID-19 Information Line is available at 1-844-442-5224. Please use this number if you have questions about COVID-19 until further notice.
— Utah Dept. of Health (@UtahDepOfHealth) March 18, 2020
Please stay away from the downtown area while crews assess damage. Unless you work in public safety, or are an essential employee, remain at home or telework.
— Gov. Gary Herbert (@GovHerbert) March 18, 2020
#Rider Alert 9:05 AM: Customers are advised to plan extra time into their commute or find an alternative method of transportation Buses are running regular schedule. TRAX is experiencing power outages and is not running at this time. FrontRunner will run at restricted speed.
— UTA (@RideUTA) March 18, 2020
UDOT crews are out inspecting our roads for any potential damage following the earthquake this morning. So far there doesn’t appear to be any, but we’re checking everything out, specifically our bridges.
— Utah DOT (@UtahDOT) March 18, 2020